Not Your Usual February Love Story 💌🥑🥗

*PRE.S.:I've got something for you, and you only, dear email reader, at the bottom of this email. I'm opening up spots for you for my Coaching package. Scroll down for deets.*

As February rolls in (yay to longer days!), I've been thinking about something warmer, something deeper than the usual Valentine’s Day buzz. How about we talk about something that nourishes us daily: our food?

But I'm not just talking about food as nourishment; I'm talking about making healthier choices that reflect our love and respect for our bodies.

We all crave that vibrant, energized feeling, but getting there means embracing change, which isn’t always easy.

Making a shift towards healthier living is like steering a whirlpool in a new direction, a metaphor I borrowed from Christa Orrechio (a wonderful clinical nutritionist). It might feel like a struggle at first, pushing against the current of old habits. But with a bit of effort and persistence, the current starts to shift, carrying us towards our goals with less effort than we imagined.

It's a powerful reminder that we're all capable of making positive changes and that it really gets easier as you carry on.

So, how do we kickstart this journey?

It begins with a commitment to ourselves. This commitment means embracing planning, adding a bit of structure, and most importantly, consistency in our daily choices. It's about choosing to fill our plates with foods that energize and nourish us, turning mealtime into a celebration of self-care.

For my type-A friends out there (you know who you are), this might mean slowing down a bit. Instead of rushing into your day, give yourself a moment each morning to connect with yourself. Whether it's a deep breath, a quick meditation, or just enjoying your morning cup in peace, these moments set the stage for making healthier choices throughout your day.

Making healthier choices allows for Food to become our love language. Each meal is an opportunity to nourish not just our bodies but our souls. Whether you're cooking for one or sharing a meal with loved ones, every dish is an act of care.

By shifting our perspective towards seeing meal prep and cooking as expressions of self-love and self-care, we turn each bite into a nourishing embrace.

But if you know me, I like need things to be practical (cause we got things to do). So to embrace healthier food habits you'll have to make space for planning your meals, maybe even batch cooking, and/or keeping things exciting with new recipes. It's all about creating a sustainable rhythm that supports our health without overwhelming us (trial and error is our friend! #progressnotperfection).

Consistency in these new habits is key. Read again: consistency is key. Which does not translate as: doing it right all the time, but more like getting it mostly done, most of the time.

And as for those to-do lists (yes, I know you have one or three)? Keep them realistic. It's about making space for what truly matters—your health and well-being.

Set yourself up for success by allowing yourself to focus on this one (big) change.

This will require you to do something that might not come easy to you...

Saying "no" might be tough, especially for those who are used to putting others first. But remember, saying "no" to too much on your plate (figuratively and literally) means saying "yes" to your health and happiness.

Are you ready to embrace this journey with me? To make February a month of loving ourselves through the healthier choices we make? Let's dive in together and celebrate the love we show ourselves with every nourishing meal we choose.

Here's to a month filled with warmth, wellness, and wonderful meals.




PS: Need some extra support, guidance and accountability around your healthier habits or lifestyle changes? I'm here to help.

New habits can be tough at first but with my guidance you'll not only turn that whirlpool around faster, but it will be easier too. And having accountability is the best way to stay consistent. That is why, I offer a 3-month tailored coaching package specifically designed for you to achieve success faster and easier, and increase your energy and vitality, so you can live happily ever after.

I'm opening up 2 spots now for my email readers only before I open it to a wider audience. Sounds good? Find out more here or Book a 20-minute complimentary clarity call now.

Hey gorgeous, I hope this email finds you well! Just a quick reminder that you're getting this because you signed up at for some juicy tips straight to your inbox. If you're ever feeling overwhelmed with emails, you can always unsubscribe below. No hard feelings. And just so you know, my emails may contain some affiliate links - but trust me, I only recommend the tools that have helped me grow personally!

The Art of Slow

"The Art of Slow" Newsletter—a haven of health, wellness, and mindfulness by Suzanne Ibrahim, a yoga teacher, breathing coach, and nutrition and wellness expert. A newsletter designed for creators, solopreneurs or small biz owners who need to upgrade their energy, health and work-life balance to create and sustain long-term success. Discover practical tips to implement high-performance habits, reclaim a vibrant health and buckets of energy. Join me as we savor the art of intentional living, igniting your inner spark (without burning out), reaching your full potential whilst embracing the magic of slow, sustainable and soulful growth. 🌿✨

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